Pubblicato con il titolo Avversario segreto. Il primo libro della serie Tommy e Tuppence, introduce due giovani in cerca di fortuna mentre si imbarcano nella loro prima avventura.

Having finished the Hercule Poirot novels, it’s time to start on the Tommy and Tuppence series.


The Secret Adversary introduces the characters of Tommy Beresford and Prudence “Tuppence” Cowley. Meeting after WWI, the two childhood friends don’t have any money and jobs are scarce – their only options are either to marry someone rich or to start their own business. That’s how they start The Young Adventurers, investigating the disappearance of a young American, Jane Finn. Involving secret documents, political intrigue, and dangerous pursuits, their investigation will lead them to a darker truth than they imagined, but they will also find new friends and powerful allies.

Witty, entertaining, fast-paced, and suspenseful, The Secret Adversary is the first book in the Tommy and Tuppence series – which contains a total of five books – and the second book published by Agatha Christie in January 2022. Highly recommended!