Non ancora pubblicato in Italia. Un romanzo divertente con omicidi, corpi sepolti, e una madre single che cerca e spera di non finire in prigione.
“It’s a widely known fact that most moms are ready to kill by eight thirty A.M. on any given morning.”
That’s how it starts the hilarious and addictive novel by Elle Cosimano featuring single mother of two, Finlay Donovan, struggling writer by day, accidental killer by night. Finlay Donovan is newly divorced, she has two young children, and she is trying to write a book that will sell enough to allow her to settle her debts and keep her children. While she is talking plot twists and murder with her agent in a busy restaurant, she is mistaken for a killer-for-hire by a woman who is ready to pay a lot of money to have her husband killed. Finlay makes a choice that leads her to go under cover in a bar, hide an unconscious man in her car, and then bury said man underground hoping that no one will ever find out.
I had so much fun reading this book. I loved the character of Finlay. She is witty, smart, relatable, and authentic. I also loved the character of Vero, her nanny and accomplice: “Let me get this straight. You’re helping me to dispose of a body to pay for school?” I really did love these two women together.
I read it in two days, laughing so much and unable to put it down. This is the first book in what I hope is a very long series and I have already bought the second book. Highly recommended!