Cari amici, oggi, voglio parlarvi del monte Pinatubo, un vulcano sull’isola di Luzon, a circa 80 km da Manila. Dopo 600 anni il vulcano, dormiente, si è risvegliato nel giugno del 1991. Una violenta esplosione ha creato una caldera gigantesca e una colonna di cenere alta 30 chilometri . Nel cratere dopo l’eruzione si è formato un lago. Delle foreste, invece, che circondavano il vulcano, non è rimasto nulla se non un paesaggio “lunare”, tutto da visitare.    

Mount Pinatubo is a volcano located on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. Nestled in the central part of the Zambales mountain range, the volcano lies 55 miles northwest of the capital city of Manila.

After lying dormant for almost 500 years, the volcano’s eruption in June 1991 resulted in one of the most destructive volcanic eruptions of the 20th century.

Thick deposits of tephra, streams of pyroclastic flow, and lahars caused significant damage to the economy and infrastructure of surrounding cities.

But today, the volcano is a safe place to visit. The crater of the volcano is a beautiful lake that is 2.7 kilometers wide and the water is crystal clear. However, it is advised not to swim in the water of the lake.

Trekking Mount Pinatubo is a popular activity among locals and foreigners alike. The mountain is located only about 3 hours away from Manila.

Although the volcano is still active, it is very closely monitored and any activity will most likely be predicted, thus trekking there is a safe activity, especially when it is done in the presence of local guides who know the area.

It’s more fun in the Philippines.