Cari amici, ho scoperto un’artista filippina straordinaria. Si chiama Goldie Geanne Yabes ed è una giovane studentessa universitaria, che ha entusiasmato la rete con i suoi lavori. I siti web parlano di lei ed è apparsa in molti programmi televisivi. E’ una makeup artist e con il trucco ha disegnato sul suo viso le scene rurali della campagna filippina. I suoi dipinti sno un omaggio alla natura e ai nostri paesaggi. Se volete imparare, potete seguire i suoi tutorial sul suo canale youtube.
This Filipina Artist has been painting shoes since 2012, and now she’s found a new canvas, her face. For Goldie Yabes, the lockdown gave her that extra push to start experimenting with makeup. Having been under quarantine for quite some time, she thinks it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced trying a new activity at least once. Some have decided to collect indoor plants while others have been busy with space makeovers. Check out some of her previous artwork below.
Curious to know how she does her amazing paintings? Watch and subscribe on her YouTube Channel for several makeup illusion tutorials. They’re so cool.