Pubblicato in Italia con il titolo Giorno dei morti. Tutti sanno che Rosemary Barton è morta di suicidio il giorno del suo compleanno, ma quando suo marito comincia a ricevere strane lettere, si comincia a sospettare che fosse omicidio. Ma chi tra le sei persone invitate al suo compleanno avrebbe voluto vederla morta?

A few months ago, I was watching TV and I stumbled on a movie, whose title I can’t remember, loosely based on an Agatha Christie’s novel. It was a more modern version of the story as it was set in the 1990s and in Los Angeles and, although the acting wasn’t award-winning, I found the plot interesting and I watched it until the end. A few days ago, I started reading Sparkling Cyanide, the story of a birthday party that went horribly wrong when the birthday girl, a young beautiful heiress, dies during the dinner from apparent suicide.

A year later, her husband is convinced that her death was murder and he is intent on proving it and finding the killer. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the story that I started to realize that many things were familiar and I remembered the movie from many months back. It was the same story! So, now I knew everything that was going to happen, who the killer was and their motives, but this didn’t spoil the reading experience and it was still an immersive and suspenseful story and I enjoyed it immensely.