Cari amici oggi voglio portarvi a Oslob nell’isola di Cebu. Siete pronti nuotare con gli squali balena che vivono lungo la costa? Non dovete avere paura, perchè questi enormi pesci non sono pericolosi e si nutrono solo di plancton. E’ incredibile vedere questi giganti del mare, che pesano diverse tonnellate, nuotare con tanta grazia a pochi metri da voi. E allora tutti in acqua per un’esperienza unica!


Watch and swim with the Whale Sharks in Oslob, Cebu. Get fascinated to watch friendly creatures of the sea as you enjoy watching and swimming with the friendly whale sharks in the said Island. Whale sharks can be seen in a small barangay Tan-awan, which is 10 km away from the center town of Oslob. Whale shark watching in Cebu started last September 2011 and it became popular all over the world when the news hit in the internet last November 2011. By December 2011, local fishermen’s interact with the whale sharks by feeding them that result to flocking of tourist to the beach of Tan-awan. Large numbers of tourists began arriving in Oslob not just to see the whale sharks being fed but also to snorkel or dive with them.
Come and enjoy the adventure of lifetime experience.
It’s more fun in the Philippines